Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CHES Drink Pouch Brigade & Lunch Kit Brigade

CHES is collecting aluminum drink pouches and "Lunchables" lunch kits. The CHES students are doing such a great job recycling their drink pouches and lunch kits! A special "Thank You" to all the
CHES Instructional Aides for the guidance and support they are giving the students in the recycling process.
 Together, We Are Making A Difference!!

Total Drink Pouches Recycled: 1,935 (for only 3 weeks!)
Total Lunch Kits Recycled: 110 (for only 2 weeks!)

**Note:  The CHES Drink Pouch Brigade started on 3-1-2010
               The CHES Lunch Kit Brigade started on 3-8-2010


Not only are we helping our planet by keeping the pouches and lunch kits out of landfills...

We are also raising money for our school!!

After the pouches and lunch kits are collected, cleaned, and dried, the recyclables are packed in boxes and shipped to TerraCycle.

TerraCycle then weighs the drink pouch and lunch kit shipments and donates $.02 to our school for each eligible pouch and lunch kit received based on a predetermined weight!!!  TerraCycle then "upcycles" the drink pouches and lunch kits and turns what could have been trash into
really cool stuff!

It's Just That Easy!!!          


  1. Wow! I thought Woolridge collected a lot of juice pouches. We have been collecting a little over 1,000 every month.

    Keep visiting the TerraCycle site because openings for the various brigades are constantly changing and fill up quickly.

  2. How did you go about educating the kids about your various terracycle programs? I assume you have separate bins to collect the different items. Kind of sad that so many kids are eating those lunchables instead of something more nutritious.
