Sunday, September 28, 2014

Green Apple Day of Service

The weekend of September 27-28 marked an international movement called the Green Apple Day of Service.  This initiative encourages community members to take action at a local school to help transform schools into sustainable, healthy, and efficient learning environments. 

CHES marked Green Apple Day by organizing a workday in the large courtyard, where volunteers have been working for the past couple of years to transform the neglected area into a native plant demonstration garden with ties to the school curriculum. 
Almost 30 PTA, parent, and student volunteers came out to weed, paint, repair, plant, and water.  Students included members of the 2014-2015 Environmental Cabinet.  The weather was perfect, and tons of great things were accomplished.  The pictures tell the whole story. 

The team gets to work!

Clearing and planting the Chesapeake Bayscape garden.

Weeding, labeling, and watering the boat planters.
Painting the rain barrels that capture water from the shed roof.

The children designed and painted all of the rain
barrel illustrations with complete artistic liberty.

Progress was made on the Bayscape area, which will
receive additional sand and plants.



 The whole team worked very hard.  Thank you to everyone who participated!